NGO Liferun implemented the project “Promoting Running Culture and Network in Estonia”. The main goal of the project was to promote healthy lifestyle by sharing values of running culture, principles and by developing running network in Estonia. NGO Liferun can develop as a compentency centre in this field and it creates specific niche for NGO. For these ambitions it was planned to create strategy for marking development directions, services for different target groups and organising an event for intoducing running culture and tourism oppurtunities.
As of 31.12.2015 “Promoting Running Culture and Network in Estonia” project has ended and sucessfully reached its goals. Project helped to create multilateral relations between involved organisations and network cooperation. Also during the project the strategy and action plan were compiled.
News feed (in Estonian)
Event in Facebook (24.10.2015)
Pildid: Pärnus peeti jooksuturismi mõttetalguid
Pärnus otsitakse ideid, kuidas edendada jooksuturismi
PANE PEA TÖÖLE: Aita edendada Eesti jooksuturismi!
Elujooks otsib ideid, kuidas populariseerida Eestit jooksuturismi sihtkohana
Mõttetalgud: kas võiksime jõuda jooksuturismiga maailmakaardile?
If you have any questions then contact project manager Kristi Aruküla, e-mail: kristi (at)
Project partners were Tallinn University and Marathon 100. Project was cofinanced by EEA Financial Mechanism via Open Estonia Foundation.